Combined Casetype

:arrow_left: Casebank

History with Procedure Cases

  1. Procedure: Male Urethral Catheterisation
  2. Procedure: Pap smear
  3. Blood Procedure
    Structure: Blood Procedure
    1. Procedure: Blood Culture Sampling
    2. Procedure: Arterial Blood Gases (ABG)
    3. Procedure: Blood Sampling: Venipuncture - PCM level
    4. Procedure: Intravenous Cannulation

History with Examination Cases

  1. Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Thyroid Examination
  3. Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
  4. Joints
    1. Ankle Joint Examination
    2. Shoulder Joint Examination
    3. Examination: Whiplash Injury
    4. Examination: Morton’s Neuroma
    5. Examination: Diabetic Neuropathy (Foot)
    6. Examination: Alcoholic Foot
  5. Female
    1. Structure: Breast Examination
      – Cyclic Mastalgia
      – Mastitis
    2. Antenatal
  6. Abdomen
    1. Examination: Intestinal Obstruction
    2. Urinary Retention
    3. Examination: Acute Cholecystitis
    4. Acute Cholangitis
    5. Heart failure
    6. Ovarian Carcinoma
    7. Bowel Cancer
    8. Examination: Abdominal Swelling: Liver Cirrhosis
    9. Examination: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
    10. Ectopic pregnancy
    11. Examination: Acute Abdomen (Appendicitis & Peritonitis)
    12. Alcoholic Liver Disease
    13. PID
    14. Examination: Acute Pancreatitis
  7. Male
    1. Prostate
    2. Testicular
      • Testicular carcinoma
      • Epididymal cyst
      • Mumps orchitis
      • Epididymo-orchitis
  8. Ear
    Structure | Ear Examination
    1. Otitis Media
    2. Examination | Ear Wax | First Presentation
    3. Examination | Ear Wax | Follow Up
    4. Acoustic neuroma
    5. Examination: Hearing Loss
    6. Chronic otitis media - Cholesteatoma
    7. Examination: Malignant (Necrotising) Otitis Externa
  9. Eye
    Structure: Eye Examination
    1. Examination: Retinal Detachment
    2. Examination: Diabetic Retinopathy
    3. Catract
    4. Examination: Idiopathic Raised intracranial Pressure - Papilloedema
    5. Examination: Ocular Toxoplasmosis
    6. Examination: Pituitary Adenoma (Bitemporal Hemianopia)

Teaching Cases

Structure: Teaching Case

  1. Teaching: EpiPen
  2. Teaching: ECG
  3. Teaching: Basic Life Support (BLS)
  4. Teaching: Urine Dip Stick
  5. Teaching: Subcutaneous Heparin injection
  6. Teaching: Informed Consent
  7. Teaching: Suspected Cancer Referral Pathway
  8. Teaching: Toddler Milestone
  9. Vaccination refusal
  10. Teaching Examination
    1. Teaching Abdominal examination, mannequin plus real person
    2. Teaching: Per Speculum & Pap smear
    3. Teaching: Inguinoscrotal Examination
    4. Teaching Digital Rectal Examination DRE
    5. Teaching Testicular Examination
    6. Teaching Breast Examination



Please what does the abbreviation PPCCE before examination mean??

  • Procedure → I‘d like to examine your feet. For the purpose of the examination, I’ll be looking at your feet, feeling the pulses to make sure it’s intact and touching your foot to see if you have any pain or sensory loss.
  • Privacy → I’ll ensure your privacy.
  • Chaperon → I’ll have a chaperon with me.
  • Consent → Is it ok to examine your feet?
  • Exposure → I’d like you to expose yourself just above the knee.
  • Shall I proceed?

Thank you for the response

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On what occassion do we use this?

It appears we do this almost in every examination such as in combined stations.

Although some use this acronymn for Procedure Station

Good observation! This topic is for combined station, therefore shifted the conversation to this topic.

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How do we understand if the station is combined ? When the task says do relevant examination or when there is a mannequin in the cubicle ?

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