Abuse & Safeguard
- Sexual Abuse
- Non Accidental Injury (NAI) in a Child
- Elderly abuse
- Domestic Violence: Pregnant Lady
- Domestic violence 2 insomnia telephone
- Harassment at workplace
- Rape
- Gay couple domestic violence
- Contraception in a Minor, Older Partner
Angry patient
- Angry Patient: Post Op Wound Infection after Knee Cyst Removal
- Child allergic reaction to med
- Hernia in A&E
- Angry son with heat failure mum
- Angry Patient: Baby covered in Poo and Vomit
- Medication changes not informed to the daughter
- Infected hernia PIC
- Angry Patient: GP Missed Mother’s Diagnosis
- Cerebral palsy
Breaking Bad News (BBN)
Structure: Breaking Bad News BBN
- BBN: Intracerebral Bleeding
- BBN: Bilateral Stroke
- Major Stroke
- BBN: Post-Operative Bleeding
- Post operative stroke
- BBN: Osteosarcoma
- Terminal dementia concerned daughter Dealing with Relative: Dementia
- Euthanasia
Problem Colleague
- Problem Colleague: Coming Late
- Problem Colleague | Facebook Post
- Colleague taking drugs
- Alcoholic Colleague
- Refusal | Mother requesting Sick Note for Chicken Pox Child
- Change my notes - ankle, wrist
- Refusal | Requesting Sick-note for Whiplash
- Asking for others information - 3 Confidentialities
- Head Injury in Child
- Refusal | Requesting Tonsillectomy
- Refusal | DKA Refusing Admission
- Refusal | Post Sigmoidoscopy | Refusing Colonoscopy
- Refusing breast cancer
- Refusal | Ectopic Pregnancy | Refuse to stay
- Refusal | Pre-Eclampsia | Refusing Admission
- Refusal | Pneumonia | Refusing Treatment
Follow Up
- PMR follow up
- Epilepsy: Epilepsy Discharge
- Diabetes OSA
- Hypertension: Hypertension Counselling
- isolated ALP elevated
- Rivaroxaban follow up
- Warfarin LD
- Insulin LD
- Follow up: Gonorrhoea in Man
- Follow Up: Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Follow Up: Osteoporosis
- High BMI with Low QRISK score
- High BMI with High QRISK score
- Follow Up | Test Discussion | Hepatitis A
- Follow Up | Gilbert’s Syndrome
Medical Error
- Medical Error: Missed Renal Biopsy
- Missed blood sample
- Missed fracture old lady
- Medical Error: X-ray Mix Up: Chest infection
- Medical Error: Missed Foreign Body
- Medical Error: Missed Fracture Old Lady
- Missed MI
- Near miss - Child Antibiotic
- Traveller Requesting Antibiotic
- Preconception Counselling: Cystic Fibrosis
- 8 Week Vaccinations
- PAP smear
- Vascular dementia
- Post mortem
- Confidentiality
- Recurrent Bout of Illness
- PSA Counselling
- Surgical Abortion
- Hypertension pregnancy captopril
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Varicose veins & Venous Ulcer
- Dementia, Parkinson Management
- Parkinson
- 1st Fit clinic
- Seizure- First Attack
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Teething
- Diarrhea in a Child
- Vasectomy
- Depression: CBT Failure
- Contraception in a Minor, Same age Partner
- Mom concerned about Flu Vaccine
- Post Mortem
Pre & Post Operative
- Lap chole
- Dermoid Ovarian Cyst Removal
- Hernia
- Ankle pin
- Post-Operative Hemiarthroplasty