Scenario: Ear Wax - Follow up
Candidates instruction
- 35 years/Male was here 2 weeks ago with hearing problem. (C/o hearing loss)
- He was prescribed ear drops and advised to come back if no improvement.
- He has come back because the symptoms did not subside.
- Previously on examination, the doctor couldn’t visualise the Tympanic membrane.
- Take a history
- Differential diagnosis
- Ear wax
- Trauma
- Otitis media
- Otitis externa
- Acoustic neuroma
Set up:
- Mannikin
- Otoscope: There could 3 possible findings.
- Scenario 1: Ear wax
- Scenario 2: Normal ear drum
- Scenario 3: Not able to visualise tympanic membrane
- Emergency/immediate
- Refer to ENT specialist in all 3 cases
- P: How will you refer me doctor?
- D: I’m gonna give a call to a specialist and request them to see you today or tomorrow.
- Explain what the specialist would do:
- Ask questions about his symptoms
- Examine, and asses for other causes of hearing loss INCLUDING performing investigations such audiometry, MRI scan .
- If there is there is ear wax - ENT will try irrigation if they can see earwax in the ear.
- ENT specialist may do an Audiometry to assess other causes of hearing loss.