Who you are:
You are an FY2 in GP surgery.Who the patient is:
Elaine Perasons aged 30 has presented with some concerns.What you must do:
Talk and address concerns.
Patient indormation:
- Dr I have pain in my left foot.
- You are a distance runner athlete.
- Pain in between the 3rd and 4th toe, gradual, dull pain, shooting pain, no radiation, worsened by running, severity 5/10 .
- duration 2 months.
- Effects: not been able to run well.
- Otherwise well and fit .
- Stress fracture
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteomyelitis
- Inspect, Palpate tenderness, Neurovascular status, Loss of sensation to affected toes, Palpate dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis.
- Joint movement, Perform Mulder’s Click = Grip the neuroma between the forefinger and the thumb - thumb on plantar aspect of the foot with the other hand squeeze simultaneously the metatarsal heads. A click can be felt and heard as the nerve stabilises between the metatarsal heads.
- Findings: Tenderness +ve
- Thickening of the digital plantar nerve usually between the 3rd & 4th toe at the ball of the foot.
- Mostly due to repetitive stress eg. wearing high heels, running, wearing constriction toe box shoes, shoes with thin soles.
- NSAIDs (Ibuprofen).
- Advice to avoid high heels and shoes with constriction toe box or thin soles.
- Advice to use metatarsal pad, pad should be placed just proximal to metatarsal heads.
- Offer leaflet.
- Explain that if symptoms may persist after 3 months, we will refer to specialist (orthotist).
- The specialist may offer Orthotic device.
- If orthotic device does not work, then you would refer to the orthopaedic surgeon for other treatments such as corticosteroids or alcohol injections and surgery.