Where you are:
You are a foundation year 2 doctor in the emergency department.Who the patient is:
Your next patient is Mr Williams, a 50-year old man who has come to the hospital with neck pain.Other information you have about the patient:
NoneWhat you must do:
Please take a history, perform a relevant examination and discuss management with the patient.
Patient information:
- You are Mr. Williams, 50 years old. You are involved in a RTA.
- You were stationery at the round about when another car hit you from behind.
- You did not have any pain immediately after the accident.
- You did not go to the hospital because there was no pain immediately after the accident.
- You have no headache, no loss of consciousness, no vomiting, no seizure. Your neck pain is 8/10.
- You did not hit your head to anything.
- You are normally fit and well and not on any regular medications.
- You are calm and normal emotions.
- 2 chairs for patient ,candidate and the examiner.
- What is wrong with me doctor?
- Will you give me a neck collar?
- If the doctor does not perform an X-ray,ask him “will you perform an X Ray or not?
- If the candidate says he would like to perform an X-Ray ,tell them the cervical spine X-Ray is normal.
On Examination:
- When the doctor presses your bony prominences on your neck, you have severe pain. On C6 & C 7 spinal processus.
- The rest of the examination is normal.
Examiner’s Prompt:
- The candidate should mention they would like to apply a cervical collar and perform cervical X-ray.
- Examiners should tell the candididates that Cervical X-ray has been done and it is normal.
- GRIPS, How can I help?
- History of the neck pain
- Is this the first time?
- What do you think could have caused the pain?
- Where is the pain?
- Severity of the pain on a scale of 1-10
- Trauma e.g. RTA
- Previous incidents
- Severity of the pain
- Did he go to hospital after the accident?
- History of the accident
- Where and when
- Driver/ passenger?
- Nature of the accident
- How many miles per hour?
- Were you stationery or were you driving?
- History of head injury
- Loss of consciousness
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Seizure
- Drowsiness
- Discharge from the ear or nose
- Inspection (bruises or any wounds)
- Palpation (Tenderness on spinal process and paraspinal)
- Cervical spine X-Ray to rule out fracture (he/she overstretched the … Of the neck during the accident)
- Examiner: “Doctor C-Spine X-Ray is normal”
- Neurological:
- Dermatomes: C 2=adams app, C 3 notch, Tip of the shoulder=C 4, Bicep= C5, Thumb c6, Middle finger C7, little finger C8
- Power: (wrists, elbow and shoulder)
- Nerves (Ulnar=grip fingers tightly, median=make a perfect sign and radial=make a thumb sign)
- Check head movement
Explain diagnosis of Whiplash
- Rest
- Analgesia ( e.g Ibuprofen)
- Physiotherapy
- Neck collars are not advised as it increases neck stiffness and worsens the pain
Scenario A:
Patient has got pain on C 7 area
Neck movements are also very painful.
Scenario B:
The patient has got tenderness on the sides. Mainly its muscle tenderness but no cervical spine tenderness.
Neck movements are very painful.
NOTE: Candidates should not request an X-ray. Candidates who request an X-ray should fail this particular station