Febrile Convulsion

Where you are:
You are an FY2 working in the Paediatric Department.

Who the patient is:
Mrs. Sari Knowles has brought her 2-year-old son Alex Knowles. Alex had a fit at home.

Other information:
Jenny had a fit at home which lasted 2 minutes. Her temperature is 38.5 C. On examination, there is redness over the left eardrum. The rest of the nose and throat are normal.

Special note:

What you must do:
Please talk to Mrs Knowles, take a focused history, discuss management with her, and address her concerns.

Patient Information:

  • Your name is Sari Knowles. You are a 30-year-old lady.
  • You have brought your 2-year-old child because the child had a fit at home 2 hours ago. This is the first time it has happened.
  • You have got 2 children at home.
  • You were in the kitchen and the 2 children were in the living room.
  • Then the older child who is 6 years old called you to say that Alex was having a fit. After the seizure, the child went floppy and pale.
  • In the last 24 hours, Jenny has been touching the ear vividly and there has been discharge from the ear.
  • The child is up to date with all immunisations.
  • The child was pulling and touching the ear but not crying.
  • There is no other past medical history, no allergies, and no regular medications.
  • You are worried about meningitis because your neighbour’s child had meningitis / you read in the news that there are many children now getting meningitis.


  • Is febrile convulsion dangerous?
  • What caused it?
  • Will it happen again?
  • What should I do if it happens again?
  • Can I prevent it?
  • Could it be a meningitis doctor?


  • Can you please tell me what happened in detail?
  • What happened just before the fit?
  • Did he have his food as usual? (hypoglycaemia)


  • How long ago did he have the fit?
  • How long did it last?
  • Did he (LOC/ wet himself/ bite his tongue)
  • Has h e ever had s u c h a fit before?

How is he in general?
Is he normally fit and well?

DDs for convulsions:
Head from outside to inside

  • Head injury
  • Meningitis (fever + rash)
  • SOL (early morning vomiting + limb weakness)
  • Hypoglycaemia (drowsy + sweating)
  • Epilepsy (jerky movement + LOC)
  • Febrile convulsion: FEVER Discharge from (ear - nose - eye)

Data Gathering

D: Hello my name is dr.), one of the junior doctors in the department,
can I confirm Alex’s full name, your relation to him and his age, please?

D: I can see from my notes that your son is here because he had a fit, can you tell me more about it? Yes

D: Can you tell me more about that? I was in t h e kitchen when his older brother called m e because his brother w a s ‚having a fit; h e was jerking and moving all of his limbs and h e fainted.
D: Did he bite his tongue? No.
D: How long did this last? 2 mins.
D: Did he hurt his head by any chance? No.
D: Has he been eating as normal? Not really
D: Have you noticed anything else wrong with him? Well, In the last 2 4 hours, h e was touching his left ear a lot, a n d I noticed there was some discharge coming out of it. (+ve finding)
D: Have you noticed any fever? I am not sure.
D: After the fit, did he regain his consciousness? He was floppy and pale.

Head to toe
D: Did you notice any rash? (meningitis) No.
D: Any early morning vomiting? (sol) No.
D: Any family history of epilepsy? No.

D: Has he had this problem before? No.
D: Has your baby been diagnosed with any medical condition? No.


  • B: Birth
    • Is he full-term or preterm?
    • How was his birth?/ Any problems during or after birth?
  • I: Immunisation
    • Is he up to date with his jabs?
    • When was his last jab? / What?
  • R: Red book
    • Does he have a red book?
    • When you take him to the doctor any concerns about his red book?
  • D: Development
    • How is his development?
    • Is it okay in comparison to others of his age?


HERE. Dehydration
D: is your baby active and playful? H e h a s not been himself the last 24 hours (+ve finding)
D: Does he wet his nappies as usual? Yes.

D: What do you feed him? Everything we eat a s a family he eats with us.
D: Any changes to your diet? No.
D: So, you said he’s not feeding well? No, he is not feeding well in the last two days.

D: Who do you live with other than Alex? My husband and my other 2 children.
D: Is your husband, Alex’s dad? Yes.
D: And is everything ok at home? Yes, everything is fine.

D: Is he on any medication including OTC medicines? D: Any allergies? No.
D: Any family history of a similar problem? No.


D: Other than this, is there anything else worrying you? I am worried that it’s meningitis.
D: Is there any specific reason for that? My neighbour’s daughter had meningitis 5 weeks ago.

(Exclude meningitis symptoms + contact hx)
D: I am sorry to hear that, how is she doing right now? I think she is better.
D: Have any of you come into contact with your neighbour’s girl? No


  • Observations: Temp 39
  • Ear: red inflamed tympanic membrane
  • Head to toe

Provisional Dx:
Firstly, let me assure you Alex does not have meningitis, but I do suspect he has a condition called febrile convulsions; Which is a type of fit that happens when the child gets a high temperature.

Q: Is it serious?
Short-lasting seizures are not harmful to the child. Most febrile seizures stop on their own within 2 to 3 minutes without any treatment. About 1 in 3 children wil have another febrile seizure. The risk of febrile seizures reduces with age as the brain matures, and they are rare beyond 6 years of age.
Q: Would it happen again with any infection?
Not all illnesses and episodes of fever will provoke a febrile seizure
Q: What’s causing the fever?
I suspect the fever is due to an ear infection we examined his ear, and we found his eardrum to be swollen and inflamed.


  1. We’ll put the child under observation.
  2. Senior.
  3. Investigations
    a. Blood: all + infection markers
    b. Urine: dipstick
  4. Symptomatic (fever)
    i.Calpol (paracetamol)
    ii. Keep him lightly dressed.
    ii. Plenty of fluids
  5. Safety netting:
    • Continuous fever
    • Fit> 5 minutes
    • Rash & neck stiffness
  6. Leaflets.
    When he has a fit:
    • Remove dangerous things away from the child.
    • Lay him on his side with his face turned to the side.
    • Don’t put anything in his mouth, including medications Sit & watch:
      • less than 5 minutes no need to bring him
      • more than 5 minutes call the a m b u l a n c e

Q1: Dr, is febrile convulsions a type of epilepsy?
Well, no, febrile convulsions are due to infection, whereas epilepsy is due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Q2: Dr, will it lead to epilepsy?
Febrile seizures are not the same as epilepsy, and the risk of a child developing subsequent epilepsy is low.
Q3: Dr, will you give m e some medication for him?
Well, there’s no medication to treat this condition.