Hello everyone,
Has any medical graduate from china been asked for NMLE eligibility evidence? I know so far that they are asking for it from some people only. Is there a criteria for this being asked?
If your evidence has been accepted, please help me out, I’ve been stuck on this for 3 weeks now.
I’d really appreciate any input on this. Thank you
As far as I know everyone from my university who did their internship in China had to submit a document stating that they are eligible to sit the Chinese NMLE in lieu of a provisional licence to practice medicine in China. The only seniors of mine who didn’t require this document were those who did their internships in other countries and provided the relevant provisional registration instead
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Hello doctors
My query is regarding whether my internship will be accepted by GMC or not. It is a 1 year internship with:
2 months in Paediatrics
2 months in Obstetrics
1 month in Family Medicine
2 months in Surgery
1 month in Emergency Medicine
2 months in Medicine
And 2 months of Electives of my choice which include:
Family Medicine
Community Medicine
Orthopaedic Surgery
Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
My concern is whether the fixed rotations of subjects is enough for GMCs criteria or do I need to add something from the electives to meet it.
I believe their criteria for a 1 year internship states 3 months of Medicine and 3 months of Surgery. I assume FM and IM cover 3 months of Med but I’m not quite sure for surgery as some people have said Obs counts as Surgery as well.
Theres a few assumptions on my side which I don’t want to make so I would appreciate any help in confirming.
Thank you.
No body can confirm anything. The GMC will let you know if they accept it or not . All you need is follow their lead. You will spend a long time though to fill the application with all those rotations!
Best of luck !
I just wanted to know how strict GMC is regarding leaves during the internship.
I’ve heard that they are understanding for important reasons but if I wanted to leave the country for a few days (less than a week) for leisure, is that going to cause a problem in them accepting my internship?
Thank you