
:arrow_left: Homepage

  1. Addison’s disease - Treatment
  2. Alcohol misuse - Treatment
  3. Bedwetting in children
  4. Bisoprolol - Common questions
  5. Bupropion
  6. Breech - What happens to baby?
  7. Cancer Pathway
  8. Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
  9. Conduct Disorder in Young
  10. Direct Oral Anticoagulants
  11. Ear infections
  12. Ear infection - Antibacterial Therapy
  13. E-cigarettes to stop smoking
  14. Epilepsy
  15. Erythema nodosum
  16. Folic Acid - how and when to take
  17. Folic acid - Side effects
  18. Gender dysphoria - NHS
  19. General Anxiety Disorder
  20. Gilbert’s syndrome
  21. Gout
  22. Grief - Support
  23. Herpetic whitlow (whitlow finger)
  24. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  25. Impetigo
  26. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) in England
  27. Laryngeal (larynx) cancer
  28. Medically unexplained symptoms
  29. Medicine Overuse Headache
  30. Ménière’s disease
  31. MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine
  32. Motor neurone disease
  33. Moles
  34. MenACWY Vaccine
  35. Nitrates and sildenafil
  36. Notifiable diseases and causative organisms - how to report
  37. PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)?
  38. Pelvic organ prolapse
  39. PSA Test
  40. Pulmonary Embolism
  41. Proctalgia Fugax (Shooting Pain in Bum)
  42. Rape and sexual assault - Support
  43. Recovering from a heart attack
  44. Rhesus disease - Prevention
  45. Safeguarding
  46. Sexual consent
  47. Sildenafil - Who can and cannot take
  48. Smoking cessation treatments
  49. Sort Throat - Acute
  50. Syphilis
  51. Teething associated with diarrhoea?
  52. Teething symptoms - study
  53. Temper Tantrum
  54. Trichomoniasis
  55. Vaccinations and when to have them
  56. Withdrawing treatment