You are an FY2 in GP.
Mr. James Atkinson, aged 24, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes two months ago after he
had an episode of DKA. He was admitted and managed in the hospital. He was put on a
short-acting insulin three times with meal and long-acting insulin before going to the bed.
The diabetic nurse has been going to his house to check the blood glucose and on 2
occasions they were on the higher side.Talk to him and address his concerns.
Note: The patient has a learning disability.
D: What brings you in?
P: I am here for my diabetic review.
D: Since how long have you been diagnosed with DM?
P: For 2 months.
D: How are you managing it?
P: Insulin.
D: Are you taking them as prescribed?
P: No, I take it when I have sugary meal.
D: May I know why?
P: This is what I understood the last time I saw the doctor.
D: Any symptoms of DM?
P: Like what?
D: Feeling thirsty?
P: Yes
D: Going to the loo more often?
P: Yes
D: Do you check your blood sugar regularly?
P: No
D: Any complications of DM?
P: Like what?
D: Any problem with the foot?
P: No
D: Any problem with the vision?
P: No
D: Any chest pain?
P: No
D: Do you see your GP regularly?
P: Yes
D: Have you been diagnosed with any medical condition?
P: No
D: Are you taking any medications including OTC or supplements?
P: No
D: Any allergies from any food or surgeries?
P: No
D: Any previous hospital stays or surgeries?
P: No
D: Has anyone in family been diagnosed with any medical condition?
P: No
D: Do you smoke?
P: Yes/No
D: Do you drink alcohol?
P: Yes/No
D: Tell me about your diet?
P: Good/Bad
D: Do you do physical exercise?
P: Good/Bad
D: What do you do for a living?
P: I work from home
D: Who do you live with?
P: Alone
D: Any family nearby?
P: Yes my parents.
D: Is it stressful?
P: Yes/No
I would like to check your vitals and do the GPE.
I would like to send for some initial investigations including routine blood tests, U&E, LFT’s,
blood sugar and HbA1c.
Examiner: Examination Normal.
From our assessment, your DM is not well controlled as you are drinking water more than
usual and going to the loo more often. You are also not taking the insulin as prescribed.
We will do a routine blood test to check cholesterol level, sugar level and kidney and liver
function. We will also do a special blood test to know the level in the last 3 months. We will
also do a urine test.
It is very important to take your insulin regularly as we prescribed. If you do not take it
regularly as prescribed, your blood sugar cannot be controlled. You have to take the insulin
3 times a day, before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. You have to take one insulin before going to sleep. Please make sure that you do not miss any of your meals and
also do not forget to take the insulins.
If you do not follow this, DM can cause damage to large blood vessels and can cause kidney
problems, heart disease and high blood pressure. DM can cause damage to small blood
vessels at the back of your eyes and can cause vision problems. It also affects the nerves of
your feet. Missing insulin dose is one of the most common causes of DKA which you had in
the first place.
Smoking can damage the inside of the walls of blood vessels and narrow them. I know it is
not easy to stop smoking but we are here to help you. We can refer you to the smoking
cessation clinic, they will do their best to help you to stop smoking by using different
methods. There are nicotine replacement products - including patches, gum. lozenges and
mouth and nasal sprays.
We can also provide with some tablets (varenicline and (bupropion).
I understand that you have a busy life but it is very important to have a sensible diet. Having
a healthy diet will help in controlling your weight and reduces the risk of further
complications. Eating out is not healthy as they use a lot of salt, sugar and fat to make it
tastier. I understand it may be difficult to cook every day but you can cook once or twice
per week and use it for the whole week. So you don’t have to eat outside every day.
Please cut down the amount of red meat and processed meat such as sausages and bacon
and try to have white meat such as chicken and fish instead.
It is also better to have grilled, steamed or boiled food rather than fried food.
We can also refer you to a dietician who can help you better.
Physical activity:
It is advisable to have at least thirty minutes of physical activity every day five times a week.
You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym. It shouldn’t be in one session, it could be split
into two sessions of fifteen minutes or three sessions of ten minutes. For example if you use
public transport, you can get off one to two stops before reaching home and you can walk
instead. If you drive, please walk when you going to buy something from your local shop. If
you live in a flat, you can climb the stairs instead of using the lift.
Stress: Stress could worsen your condition. So it is important to relieve your stress. You may
try doing some physical activities such as walking, jogging or swimming. In this way you can
relive your stress and relax yourself. You may also try taking yoga classes.
Alcohol: It is always advisable to cut down the amount of alcohol you take. The
recommended daily amount of alcohol is 2 units per day. I know it is not easy to cut down
but we are here to help you. We can refer you to our colleagues, they will do their best to
help you to cut down your alcohol.