Presentation will be in obs and gynae where a TVS scan showed placenta 20mm
above the cervix
Start from greeting the patient
Paraphrase that we have your scan results before discussing that can i ask you few questions related to your condition
Obstetric hx
Is it the first pregnancy? Prev births? Prev hx of placenta previa?How many babies are they expecting? LMP? Previous STl’s?
Pregnancy hx
Hows pregnancy going so far?
Any nausea? Vomiting? Tummy pain? Blurred vision? Dyspnea? Bleeding and discharge from front passage? Medications?
Rule out redflags
Baby kicks? Diziness?
Ask about occupation and also support at home
Then explain diagnosis
That placenta is an organ that develops during pregnancy attached to the walls of uterus to provide nutrients to baby
Then tell them in your case its 20mm above the cervix we call it low lying placenta
Its a high risk condition but with proper care could be managed easily
Discuss whats in patients mind any fears?
Then explain we will FU and perform scan at 32 weeks and 36 weeks
Need to look at cervical length on 32 week scan
In some cases it will move upwards but if it will not then we need to discuss the possibility of C-section
Watch out for
any bleeding from front passage
Baby movements and kicks
Do not exhaust yourself
Light walking
Avoid constipation
Take diet rick in fibre and iron
Avoid sexual intercourse after 28th week of gestation
Avoid strenuous activity
Take supplements
Safety net for bleeding, sudden fall or dizziness and have a reach out to us via telephone in case of any emergency
Provide leaflets