My experience with Plab 2

:arrow_left: PLAB 2 Personal Experience

Hello doctors!

I passed both plab 1 and 2 in my first attempt. First of all, thanks for @userzero for your amazing support both by creating this fabulous group and occasionally listening to my sob stories.
My Plab 1 experience was already posted in Feb 2024.

:popcorn:Now for my Plab 2 experience:
I prepared for 2 months. I used academy notes, NHS website notes, CKS and recalls. Any academy notes will do. I personally followed Dr Mos academy notes.
I don’t want to promote any academy but Let me explain my journey. I gathered academy notes and skimmed through the notes first. It took me 15 days.
Then, next 15 days, I watched a few videos : the topics I have doubt on, example - Medical errors. Actually there’s a pattern for everything so I created my own Approach so I would not sound scripted.
I chose DrMos academy because of the accomodation. Booth hall was safe and it provided a sound environment to study.
Also, many doctors said mocks in was hard so I decided to take Academy package.
The best thing is I was able to access all mannequins and instruments any time from 10am-7pm.
So I kept practicing with study partners , attended all Ghalaba mocks, attended mocks and practiced clinical scenarios.

It doesn’t really matter what academy notes u r following. Keep checking NHS Website and CKS website for updated management and it will give u a perfect idea about management.

Recalls - Please read 1-2 months recalls.
Just skim through and try to retain.

Practice is the key
!!! Practice!!!

:sun_with_face:Those who ask if academy is really needed?
It depends on individual perspective. If you have good self control and follow your schedule properly and have a good study partner who points ur mistakes out, you don’t need an academy.
While on the other hand, if u feel that u need some support, academy can be helpful.
The next thing is, if u think u have excellent communication skills, u don’t need academy.
So weigh different parameters and decide whether you will take academy or not.

But I personally feel mocks can be quite useful. Particularly in eliminating the fears about the real exam.

:popcorn:Exam Day

Just be confident. A week before the actual exam, please do recalls.
Have some light food and go confidently. You can do it.

:round_pushpin:don’t talk with examiners or Simulators if u see them outside. It will be considered as misconduct.

Thank you so much