PLAB 2 Personal Experience
Hello doctors!
I passed both plab 1 and 2 in my first attempt. First of all, thanks for @userzero for your amazing support both by creating this fabulous group and occasionally listening to my sob stories.
My Plab 1 experience was already posted in Feb 2024.
Now for my Plab 2 experience:
I prepared for 2 months. I used academy notes, NHS website notes, CKS and recalls. Any academy notes will do. I personally followed Dr Mos academy notes.
I don’t want to promote any academy but Let me explain my journey. I gathered academy notes and skimmed through the notes first. It took me 15 days.
Then, next 15 days, I watched a few videos : the topics I have doubt on, example - Medical errors. Actually there’s a pattern for everything so I created my own Approach so I would not sound scripted.
I chose DrMos academy because of the accomodation. Booth hall was safe and it provided a sound environment to study.
Also, many doctors said mocks in was hard so I decided to take Academy package.
The best thing is I was able to access all mannequins and instruments any time from 10am-7pm.
So I kept practicing with study partners , attended all Ghalaba mocks, attended mocks and practiced clinical scenarios.
It doesn’t really matter what academy notes u r following. Keep checking NHS Website and CKS website for updated management and it will give u a perfect idea about management.
Recalls - Please read 1-2 months recalls.
Just skim through and try to retain.
Practice is the key
!!! Practice!!!
Those who ask if academy is really needed?
It depends on individual perspective. If you have good self control and follow your schedule properly and have a good study partner who points ur mistakes out, you don’t need an academy.
While on the other hand, if u feel that u need some support, academy can be helpful.
The next thing is, if u think u have excellent communication skills, u don’t need academy.
So weigh different parameters and decide whether you will take academy or not.
But I personally feel mocks can be quite useful. Particularly in eliminating the fears about the real exam.
Exam Day
Just be confident. A week before the actual exam, please do recalls.
Have some light food and go confidently. You can do it.
don’t talk with examiners or Simulators if u see them outside. It will be considered as misconduct.
Thank you so much