My PLAB 2 Experience

:arrow_left: PLAB 2 Personal Experience

Hi, I wanted to share my PLAB journey and recommendations in light of the plethora of advice out there. I started my preparation 7 weeks before the exam, full time and took leave from work during classes and my time at the academy.

The first 2 weeks were with Samson Online Course, which I used to make my notes. Over the next 2 weeks, I studied by myself (mainly because I could not find a partner to practice with) and went to work. I spent the last 3 weeks up to my exam in Manchester at the Samson Academy. I did the 3 mocks at Samson as usual.

Being at the academy, gave me access to the mannequins and was a source of motivation just by seeing other candidates practice. Practising with others also helped me find out my mistakes. Even though being at the academy is great, it is easy to get distracted from what you need to do. So, I limited my time to a few hours and did only what was planned that day. I spent the remaining time practising and studying. This helped me to work on my weak areas and keep in touch with what I have studied. If you would like to know my strategy, message me to share this.

The resources I used was primarily Dr Alaa’s notes (the results showed that I excelled in those areas) and the scenarios on this PLAB forum. However, I did not limit myself to these. I studied Mo Sobhy’s Test Results and PAN stations, and incorporated some of Dr Arora’s Management approach.

If there is something I wish I did more, it is to practice without being biased about the topic. In the exam, you have to think broadly and I felt this was something I could have worked on more.

Commonly asked questions and answers based on my experience:
:question:Can you pass PLAB without being in an academy?
-It depends on what makes you feel confident. Some have passed without any academy. Personally, I need to know what to expect in order to be prepared so the academy was a good platform for that. Also, academy was a rich source of practice partners and daily motivation. I had a short time to prepare and limited resources.

:question:Are the study materials at Samson enough?

  • Yes and no. The examination and procedure videos (Genius class- free access on request) are a good guide, but a lot of the other videos need reference to other materials in aspects like approach, organisation and management points. The notes have gaps and need revision so it is better to use tutor-updated notes.

:question:Are the materials on the PLAB forum enough to pass PLAB?

  • The PLAB forum is an excellent resource centre and perfect for self study. It also helped me find a practice partner online. However, it was my personal need to have hands on experience so I felt I needed both the academy and the forum.

:question:How long do you need ideally to prepare?

  • I took 6 weeks almost full time dedicated to study under chronic adrenaline …3-6months I would say is good if you are working. But I have to stress that prep requires dedication and practice.

:question:What is the best academy?

  • I don’t think you should limit yourself to any one academy. I picked Samson because it was an old and well established academy. However I learned quickly that other academies may do some topics better… and this forum is great to access those resources.

:question:What notes to use?

  • I would recommend Dr Alaa’s lectures because of how they meet the examiner’s expectations and easy to study/remember. However, I did not limit myself to her notes. Most students use Mo Sobhy’s notes and approach to some topics like Test Results was quite helpful there.

:question:What were some of the challenges in the PLAB preparation?

  • Not being scripted took some effort because practice makes you scripted and not having an open mind. Emotionally, it is easy to feel negative and waste precious preparation time.

:question:Can I trust the PLAB forum with my personal details?

  • I was initially a little apprehensive about the extent of information required to be a verified member. Having seen the materials in the shared drive and how meticulous the admin is with managing this forum, I decided to take the leap of faith and have been a verified member since January/February 2024. I have no regrets!

:question:Is it easy to pass PLAB?

  • YES! But, you need to hack the exam in order to have a smooth ride. It helps massively to know the scenarios and diagnoses as most stations are repeated, BUT, you must always go in with an open mind.

I hope you found this write-up helpful. Good luck with your preparation and feel free to reach out if you have any questions :slight_smile: