OET Validity

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:point_right: This information has been verified by GMC. :white_check_mark:

:seat: When it comes to booking a PLAB 2 seat, the good news is that there is no longer a requirement to demonstrate valid English proficiency. You can focus on your medical knowledge without the added burden of English exams. :no_entry_sign::books:

:star2: Additionally, here’s some exciting news: if you apply for GMC registration within 3 months of passing PLAB 2, you can use your successful PLAB 2 pass as substantial evidence of your English proficiency. This applies even if your IELTS or OET results have expired, provided that you passed your English test less than 3 years ago. This convenient option indirectly extends your English test validity for an additional year, originally being valid for only 2 years. :tada::trophy:

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How to proceed with using plab 2 as proof of english pro efficiency for gmc registration? Is the process automatic or do you need to send gmc an email

proof of english is for three years so you can still use it actually. oet has a different process for verification so when you get to that column just do it as instructed. pls do your registration within 3 months of your exam date.

Thank you for this information.
Could you clarify if the validity of english proficiency is from the date of the exam or when the result were out?