PLAB 2 Cases by Dr Hashim

Their Website: NEW Smart Revision Notes | MLACases ~ Dr Hashim

Performance Rating Scale
  • :persevere: 1: Poor
  • :neutral_face: 2: Unsatisfactory
  • :slightly_smiling_face: 3: Satisfactory
  • :smiling_face: 4: Very Satisfactory
  • :heart_eyes: 5: Outstanding
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If you’ve attended PLAB 2 Cases by Dr Hashim then you can share your personal experience with them.

I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Hashim and He’s better than ALL
top-tier lecturers in any academy, including Lovaan. An added bonus is he has a British accent that’s very easy to understand.

When are you exams? Are you solely depending on the dr. Hashim course?

Already passed comfortably last January. Mo Sobhy + plab2cases is the only thing I used. Mo Sobhy bronze package handled all the practical stations (for me, it’s where the academy excels at), while plab2cases and Dr. Hashim handled everything else. Look him up on YT and IG, and see for yourself how he teaches: @drhashimmla


Hello everyone
I had learned about MLACases (plab2 cases) via a video (Just Lily on YouTube) months ago.
She said it is systematic and that was what I was looking for.
Thank god I really love the focused and systematic approach to the bigger picture.
Passing this exam wouldn’t be possible without this platform (SRN & SRP) and constant support of the whatsapp group and Dr Hashim!

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