Patient Information
β’ Opening sentence : βMy little Carl is always sickβ
β’ Your son has had 6 episodes of infections in the last year.
Patient concerns
- Why does he keep having these infections?
- What do you think is wrong with him?
- Will it affect him in the future (complications)?
- Will he grow out of it?
- Is my child immunocompromised?
History of presenting complaint
- What symptoms does the child usually develop?
- How frequent does he get the infections?
- In the last one year, how many times would you say he has had an infection?
- How is the child treated when he gets an infection? Do they need antibiotics?
Systemic review
- Respiratory symptoms:
β Ask about cough, shortness of breath, fever, running nose, sneezing.
β How often does this happen?
β Any wheezing
β Coughing out phlegm?
- GIT symptoms:
β Any tummy pain?*
β Diarrhoea and vomiting
β Biliary disease: Any jaundice, Yellow eyes
β Pancreatic: Pale, fatty stools
- Genitourinary: Any water works infection in the past?
- Musculoskeletal: Any joint pain?, Any rashes?
- CVS: Any heart problems?, Any swelling of the legs?
Paediatric history
- Eating and drinking: is he eating and drinking well
- Other children:
β Do you have any other children?
β If yes, anyone with similar problems?
- Social skills
β Playing with others well
β Children with atopic disease seem more likely to develop recurrent and persistent upper respiratory infections
- Development:
β Any concerns regarding his developmental milestones
β Is he walking well?
β What about his speech
β Does he play with others
- Vaccinations
β Is he up to date with all vaccinations?
- Pregnancy:
β Any problems in the current pregnancy?
β How many weeks was he when he was born?
Other histories:
- DHx
β Is he/she on any regular medication?
- Allergies
β Does the child have any allergies?
- Effects of symptoms:
β Do the infections stop the child from going to school?
β Is the child going to nursery?
Differential diagnosis
- Normal Situation,
- Primary immunodeficiency
- Cystic fibrosis
- Any problems opening the bowels after he/she was born? (meconium ileus)
- Any history of constipation?
- Secondary immunodeficiency e.g. HIV infection, diabetes
- Recurrent infection secondary to medication (e.g. steroids)
- Arrange a face to face appointment
- Routine blood test: FBC, U&E, fasting glucose,LFTs,
- Refer to a Paediatrician
- Explain what a specialist would do: specialist investigations such
β Immunological blood tests to rule out immunodeficiency syndromes and cystic fibrosis
β Sweat test to exclude cystic fibrosis
β Refer to paediatrician for further specialist investigations because the child has had 6 or more infections