Refusal | Mother requesting Sick Note for Chicken Pox Child

It’s a Video consultation

Who you are:
You are an FY2 in GP

Who the patient is:
Mrs Janet May, 28-years-old woman made an appointment to see you. Her 3 year old daughter has chicken pox.

What you must do:
Talk to mother and address her concerns.

Patient Information

  • GP diagnosed chicken pox yesterday
  • Only her and her child who live at home
  • Dr advised to buy emollients
  • She had chicken pox in the past
  • Wants a sick note to look after son
  • Has not spoken to employer
  • Job: Teacher in university

D: How can I help?
P: I need a sick note.
D: Why do you need a sick note are you ill?
P: My child has got chicken pox
D: When did you find that out?
P: 3 days ago
D: How is she doing?
P: She is fine

Explore General Knowledge

  • Tell me about your situation? Work?
  • How is it going at Work?
  • Ask where she works, she is a lecturer
  • Is this first time you got in situation like this?
  • Have this happened previously?
  • How was the child diagnosed with chickenpox?
  • What was done for him?
  • Do you have any other children?
  • Her problem is bank balance will go down if she doesn’t go to job.
  • Social history other children
  • Child care
  • Are you worried you may develop chicken pox
  • Have you had chicken pox in the past
  • I’m worried I might spread chickenpox to children, in history you already know she had chickenpox in childhood, so explain her she can’t get the infection again

Main Focus

  • I am sorry I will not be able to help you with your request
  • We won’t be able to give a sick note for you
  • Because sick note is given for the person who is ill we cannot give it to whoever is looking after the sick person


  • Mostly important is how and why you are saying no. giving the solution is courtesy.
  • Don’t say your hands are tied, because it’s not your duty
  • In this situation It is your employer who is in the best place to help you. speak to them.
  • Explain your situation
  • Rearrange annual leave
  • They might give you compassionate leave (you cannot request compassionate leave)
  • Any other family or friends who can help you?
  • Hire a childminder? (private agency)
  • The reason I want a sick leave is because if I won’t show up, they won’t pay me
  • Do not offer job center and citizen advisory bureau
  • Do not talk about parental leave because it is not paid
  • Self-certification only works if you are sick (not the case here)

Check if mom has symptoms, how is baby doing?
Who else at home- what about husband/grandparents/friends /hired care like child sitter can
support u?have u talked to ur employer,maybe u can take a annual/paid leave?

Im sorry i cannot provide you with the sick note.sick note is usually for a person who is sick so because you don’t have any symptoms i cannot provide you with the sick note. I can provide a sick note For ur child and you can maybe use this letter to show her employer that you know my child is sick he has his chicken pox and maybe the employer will consider something for her.
if no then you can always advise her to go to citizen advisory Bureau job centre to see what are her options to take care of the child