It’s a Video consultation
Who you are:
You are an FY2 in GPWho the patient is:
Mrs Janet May, 28-years-old woman made an appointment to see you. Her 3 year old daughter has chicken pox.What you must do:
Talk to mother and address her concerns.
Patient Information
- GP diagnosed chicken pox yesterday
- Only her and her child who live at home
- Dr advised to buy emollients
- She had chicken pox in the past
- Wants a sick note to look after son
- Has not spoken to employer
- Job: Teacher in university
D: How can I help?
P: I need a sick note.
D: Why do you need a sick note are you ill?
P: My child has got chicken pox
D: When did you find that out?
P: 3 days ago
D: How is she doing?
P: She is fine
Explore General Knowledge
- Tell me about your situation? Work?
- How is it going at Work?
- Ask where she works, she is a lecturer
- Is this first time you got in situation like this?
- Have this happened previously?
- How was the child diagnosed with chickenpox?
- What was done for him?
- Do you have any other children?
- Her problem is bank balance will go down if she doesn’t go to job.
- Social history other children
- Child care
- Are you worried you may develop chicken pox
- Have you had chicken pox in the past
- I’m worried I might spread chickenpox to children, in history you already know she had chickenpox in childhood, so explain her she can’t get the infection again
Main Focus
- I am sorry I will not be able to help you with your request
- We won’t be able to give a sick note for you
- Because sick note is given for the person who is ill we cannot give it to whoever is looking after the sick person
- Mostly important is how and why you are saying no. giving the solution is courtesy.
- Don’t say your hands are tied, because it’s not your duty
- In this situation It is your employer who is in the best place to help you. speak to them.
- Explain your situation
- Rearrange annual leave
- They might give you compassionate leave (you cannot request compassionate leave)
- Any other family or friends who can help you?
- Hire a childminder? (private agency)
- The reason I want a sick leave is because if I won’t show up, they won’t pay me
- Do not offer job center and citizen advisory bureau
- Do not talk about parental leave because it is not paid
- Self-certification only works if you are sick (not the case here)