Result Tracker

For OET validity read this article: OET Validity

In case you’re worried that if you fail your PLAB 2 exam and you would like to stay back in UK or come back for re attempt within 3 attempts then you’ve two options:

  1. Book a cancel seat
  2. GMC does release PLAB 2 slots time-to-time, so you’ll have to be on look out for that.

In short, once you’re done with your exam. Be optimistic and hopefully you’ll get through. In case you don’t you’ll be looking for slots which don’t exist when you’ll be searching but will appear either via cancellation or GMC, which will be in high demand and will get house full very quickly. That’ll be your target.

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Slot Status Date: 27-03-2024


Any idea when the next set of results will be out?

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This Wednesday.
Usually Tuesday or Wednesday the results are out, but since Monday is also a bank holiday, it might get pushed to Wednesday.


Do we receive emails for the results please?

yes one day after release of results we get official email

dont push it to wednesday…its hard to wait when its turn​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

At what time do they announce the results usually?
The wait is killing me. _


My exam was on 22 march, when to expect the results please?

Will GMC release Results tomorrow?

Possibly towards the last week of April.

Only GMC knows that. Please contact them.

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Results will be released today??

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What time of the day the results are usually out?

It’s around UK time 11:00 to 11:30 AM.

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Pm or am? :sweat_smile: today or tomorrow

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Any updates regarding results?

When result of 6 march will be declared??

Today or maybe tomorrow

Possibly this week you’ll receive result.