This is a great forum. I would like guidance regarding the SIMMAN station. My exam is in January 2024, and I cannot afford to join any PLAB 2 academy. Currently, I am studying from Mo Sobhy’s notes for history-taking stations, but I am struggling to find proper resources or videos for SIMMAN, procedures, and examination stations.
If anyone finds themselves in a similar situation, please comment. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi! Most academies have sample videos on YouTube.
For procedures and examination stations you can check Geeky Medics videos in YT for each procedure. Read the cases and prepare relevant examination for each case.
For SIMMAN you can check Doctor Coaches, Geeky Medics and Aspire video on YT.
hello! good luck to everyone and hope we all pass on the first attempt.
I wanted to ask what examinations or procedures do we need to learn to do on the mannequins or for the simman station, due to personal reasons I won’t be able to go practice the exam in an academy or have access to their mannequins so I will try to practice by myself on the resources I have at the moment.
Achieving this goal is undoubtedly possible, but it requires a great deal of imagination, innovation, collaboration, and substantial resources. Should you succeed, I strongly advise you to share your insights with others.
If I were in your position, I would seek out the right resources for mannequins and the SIMMAN station to establish a solid foundation. For instance, Mo Shoby has an extensive collection of SIMMAN cases
Starting from there, you can gain a general idea. Later, you’ll realize that all the cases in academic notes follow a similar structure, which is then complemented by NICE guidelines and NHS guidelines. Note that these notes are created by recent PLAB 2 pass-outs and are often sold at a hefty price. Collaboratively, we can provide every single case scenario with higher quality for free on this platform if we pool our efforts.
After understanding the available resources, it’s time for self-study, followed by practices. You can find a study partner here and practice online via video meetings. Consistent practice and polishing your cases are key.
I also recommend incorporating pictures for each mannequin case. Wallah!! You have mastered these stations. Now, you can guide others. If anyone has additional suggestions on how to achieve this, please don’t hesitate to share.
For teaching just go through Mosohby notes and you can find videos on YouTube regarding each topic.
For prescription just take AZT prescription workshop it’s only 10 pounds and really good.
For simman faraz Ahmed videos on YouTube but you need to practice for simman again and again so I don’t know how you can do that without a simman dummy and all equipment.