Structure: Opening & Paraphrase

Task Reading:

Points to be noted during 1 minute 30 seconds

  • Pt name? Age? Case-type? Setting? Task?
  • History- DDs? Risk factor? Red flags?
  • Management- Admission? Specific Rx?


To Examiner:

Hello, I’m [First & Last name]. My GMC Reference number in 7863800.

To Patient:

  • To Face-to-face Patient:

    1. Introduction Hello, I’m Dr [Last name], one of the junior doctor here. Are you John Parker?
    2. Identification John Parker, can you please confirm your age?
    3. Name preference What would you like me to call you?
    4. Greetings Okay, John. It’s nice to meet you.
  • To Face-to-face Patient’s relative:

    1. Greeting & Introduction Hello, I’m Dr [Last name], one of the junior doctor here. May I know your name please?
    2. Relationship Okay, Mrs Parker. I understand that you’re related to Mr Parker, how are you related to him?
    3. Identification Can you please confirm his age?
  • To Telephonic Patient:

    1. Greeting Hello, can I speak with John Parker?
    2. Introduction I’m Dr [Last name], one of the junior doctor at King’s College Hospital. I understand that we had an appointment with you today.
    3. Consent Is this good time to talk?
    4. Signpost Before I proceed I want to confirm few things so that I’m sure I’ve the right person.
    5. Identification Can you please confirm your age? Can you please confirm the first line of your address?


Patient made appointment:

  • History based station:
    I understand you made an appointment with us today and wanted to speak to one of the doctors, how can I help you today? Can you tell me more about it?

  • Angry Patient:
    I understand you wanted to speak one of the doctor, therefore I’ve been asked to come and speak to you. Is there anything in particular you would like to speak to us?

  • Test Results:
    I can see from my notes that you are here today for your test results. I have your results with me, but I'd like to have a chat with you before that, is that ok?

Doctor made appointment:

  • BBN:
    I understand …(from task)…, I have been asked to speak to you, and update you on …(from task)… but I’d like to have chat with you before that, is that ok?

  • Discharged:
    I understand that you are being discharged, and I'm asked to come and speak to you.

  • Follow up / Medical Error:
    I can see from my notes that you're here for the follow up. How have you been?