Background information
- FY2 in a paediatric department
- Suzy is a 5th-year medical student who wants to learn how to perform a Toddler development assessment.
- Teach the student how to perform a development assessment on a toddler.
- She has been posted for 6 weeks in a paediatric department and she has been on this rotation for one week.
- Introduction
- Use your first name.
- I am one of the FY2.
- Build Rapport
- How is school?
- What rotation are you doing?
- How is the rotation going?
- Introduce the topic:
- I understand you want to learn how to perform milestones assessment on a toddler?
- Is there anything specific you would like to learn?
- Check prior knowledge:
- What do you know already about milestones assessment?
- Indications:
- Routine assessment
- Concerns from the parent
- What to look for
- Gross Motor
- Fine Motor and Vision
- Hearing and languages
- Social
Growth Chart
- Gross Motor
- 2 years: Runs
- 3 years: Stand on one foot, climb one foot per stairs.
- FineMotor
- 2 Years: Makes Circles, Lines, and Scribbles
- 3 Years: Build Bridges With Blocks, Draws circle
- Hearings and Languages
- 2 years: 2 Words Phrases
- 3years: Short Sentences, Knows colours
- Social
- 2 years: Knows Identity, Parallel Play
- 3 years: Interactive play
Using the growth chart
- Weight
- Height
- Head circumference
- This will give you centile location of the child development
Red Flags In Toddlers
At 2 years:
- Languages
- Not able to follow a simple command.
- Lack of words or Lack of two-words meaningful sentences.
- Motor: Inability towalk
- Social:
- Poor eye contact
- Not imitating actions on words of caregivers
At 3 years:
- Languages: Inability to use 3 words sentences
- Motor: Difficulty using stairs ro frequently falling
- Social: Lack of pretend play