You are FY2 in general practice
30 year old mother has come with some concerns her 6months old baby is being very irritable, she have started her teething, she cries while feeding. She is her first child.
No findings head to toe and BIRDDD normal
Baby growing well, feeding well, was active and playful but a bit irritable for few dayTask:
Talk to the mother and address her concerns
How can I make her calm down?
- Greet and start with telephonic approach, confirm identity
- Explore presenting complaints and ask head to toe rule out red flags, BIRDDD, MAF
- Address concern, explain teething can be distressing for some babies, but there are ways to make it easier for them.
- advice teething rings which gives the baby something to chew safely
- Also offer teething gels specially designed for babies.
- Comforting or playing with baby can distract them from any pain in their gums
- Advice to register with a dentist when their teeth start coming through
- Appreciate feeding, advice giving weaning foods
- safety netting for any soreness, fever, bleeding