It's not actually a migraine.
Who are you:
You are an FY2 in GP surgeryWho the patient is:
Laura Flick, a 17 year old young girl came to the clinic with complain of a headache.What you must do:
Talk to the patient, take focused history, give management and address her concerns.
- Headache since one year
- Dull pain
- Starts 2 - 3 days before periods and stops after 2 days into periods.
- Paracetamol and ibuprofen does not work
- Affects school
- Period history: Do you have any pain with periods?
- Are you sexual active?
- Do you use any form of contraception?
- Blood disorder
- Blood thinner
- Kidney disease
Rule out: PMS (breast tenderness, loss of appetite, mood swings, trouble sleeping, low sex drive), PMS not same as MM
- Neurological
- Fundoscopy
Investigation: FBC(anemia), CRP, ECR
Diagnosis: Its a type of headache that doctors believe is due to changes in your hormones throughout the menstrual cycle.
- Intranasal sumatriptan
- You take it 2 days before period and 3 days after bleeding starts
- If age less than 18, oral sumatriptan can’t be given.
- Migraine diary: you note down
- Period history: Start and end date
- Type of symptoms experienced
- Number of headaches
- Follow up after 2-3 cycles.
- Once your diagnosis is confirmed we’ll offer long term treatment ie COCP without break.
- COCP contraindicated in migraine with aura
- Also can use estrogen hormonal patches
- Oestrogen has dual benefit: work as contraception and Rx for MM
- Exercise and healthy diet
P: I want to go on a swimming holiday to Australia, can you give me pills to stop periods?
Give combined pills without break, first 3 months then repeat 6 monthly prescription
Safety net: Vomiting, Rash